Birtvarre Harbour and Fjord - Day trip from Tromso
Carry on north heading towards Alta, up the E6, having left Skibotn harbour. If you look to your left over on the other side of the saltwater fjord you will see the dramatic long mountainous ridge of the Lyngen Alps National Park.

You are driving along a road that used to be in a war zone. This is where the Germans on their retreat from Finnmark in northern Norway burnt down all the towns, villages house and farms. The idea was to provide any food or shelter to the advancing allied armies. That means that nearly all the buildings you see from now on are post WW2 modern

The coast road follows the contours of an inlet. This leads to Birtvarre Harbour and the charming water front fisherman shacks on stilts. They have now been restored, repainted and turned into holiday accommodation. Stop your car and go for a walk along the Birtvarre harbour front and the fisherman's shacks.

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