Wildlife of Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya
You can drive down to the waters edge at certain points. Have a good look around you for lurking Lions or hyenas, before you get out of your vehicle to walk along the beach.

There are a number of ostrich flocks in Lake Nakuru National Park. We saw this male with three females near the waters edge. They came quite close to the Range Rover.
The Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge is fantastic first class accommodation. It is halfway up a hill. To get to some of the bungalows you have to climb up stairs. Don't be too shocked that you start to feel out of breath. It may look like you are near the valley floor but in reality you are very high. The altitude of the lake is 1,758 m - 5,768 ft. The highest mountain in Britain Ben Nevis is only 1,344m - 4,409ft.

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