Ol Tukai Lodge in Amboseli National Park near Kilimanjaro
We stayed at Ol Tukai Lodge in the centre of the park. It was amazing. You could see herds of grazing gazelles and buffalo from your bungalow's veranda. In the distance the snow capped Mount Kilimanjaro was visible. The quality of the room food and facilities was first class. During our stay we visited all the other lodges and concluded Ol Tukai Lodge was the best of the bunch.

In the evening the Masai put on a show around a fire near the bar. During the day they give talks on their beliefs and way of life. You have to pay a small fee but it is worth the investment. To prevent getting ill in the tropics by drinking infected water or eating unclean vegetables the Masai drink the blood of their cows and eat their meat instead. They do not drink water or eat greens.
They love answering questions at the end of their talk. Ask them to show you the medicinal anti malaria quinine bush and the Yellow fever trees that grow in the grounds of Ol Tukai Lodge. They will explain to you how they use these plants to make medicine. There is a petrol station at one of the other nearby lodges. The reception desk will give you directions

There are over 24 African Elephant herds in Amboseli National Park. They can be seen in a number of different enviroments ranging from the forest, dry savanagh to wet green swamps. They can all be found within There are over 24 African Elephant herds in Amboseli National Park..
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