Gaudi's Temple de la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

This is Gaudi's famous unfinished Cathedral. The name Temple de la Sagrada Familia means Temple of the Sacred Family, and as it is in Barcelona was of course built by Antoni Gaudi. He is the man who put his magnificent fingerprints all over the city.

Temple de la Sagrada Familia

This Gaudi's masterpiece is still a 'work in progress'. It has come to be the symbol of Barcelona. I was shocked to see how little has been finished. It is really just a shell but you can see Gaudi's love of nature everywhere inside. All the columns take their designs from plants. There are very few straight lines.

The metro is near by and there are two entrances One at the front and one at the rear of the Cathedral. Go into the museum first and it will give you a better understanding of what you are looking at when you go inside the building. Many tourists just stand outside and simply take photographs or observe from the sidewalks.

I believe they are missing the essences and an understanding of Gaudi if they fail to go on the tour. I really suggest that you visit this extraordinary building early in the morning There is much to see and it gets crowded fast. Whether you love or hate this building, you will never forget the first time you set eyes on it.

Temple de la Sagrada Familia knights in armour

Before I went to Barcelona I was not looking forward to going around Gaudi's works. It did not interest me. I am not religious and do not like going around Churches. I did not understand it. I was dragged along by my wife. Once Antoni Gaudi's vision is explained to you and you see the real thing up close your perception and views change to appreciation and wonder. You can climb to the towers and admire the snail shape stairs, there is an elevator to the top. You can visit the crypt and see Antoni Gaudi's tomb.

The original project included 12 towers (the 12 apostles) of which only 4 (the smallest) are built. He received the commission in 1866 from a religious right-wing organization that wanted to build an 'Expiatory Temple' as a reaction to the more liberal ideas that were running through Europe at that time.

Barcelona Gaudi Temple de la Sagrada Familia

Gaudi's Death

Gaudi died in 1926 when he was knocked down by a tram. During Spanish Civil War most of the models, plans and drawings were destroyed. The project continues following what present architects think were Gaudi's ideas of how his cathedral should be finished. This being Spain construction is very slow. The projected deadline is 2022 for completion. Of the 4 facades only 2 are finished (Nativity and Passion).

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