Torres dos Clerigos Tower

This tall Porto landmark is part of the Igreja dos Clerigos which translated means the Church of the Clergymen or the Priest's Church. Therefore the Torres dos Clerigos is the Clergymen's tower or the Priest's tower.

Torres dos Clerigos Tower

Torres dos Clerigos Tower

The Italian architect and painter Nicolau Nasoni was chosen to build the new church for the Brotherhood of the Clerigos. It took 18 years to build and was completed in 1750 but the divided stairway at the front of the church took a few more years to finish. It was built in the fashionable ornamental late baroque style and has a lot of garlands and shells incorporated in the decoration. The architect later joined the Brotherhood and is buried in the church crypt.

The Torres dos Clerigos tower was an after thought. Construction started in 1754 and was finished nine years later in 1763. It was also built in the late Baroque style to match the church. The Italian campanile towers were a big influence in its design. It has commanding views over the city of Porto as it is 75.6 metres (248 feet) high. It is the tallest building in Porto. There are 240 steps to reach the top of its six floors. In the heat of a Porto summer this is not a task to be undertaken by visitors with health issues. There is not a lift installed to make the journey to the top easy. You have to work hard for your view. The bells at the top of the tower get very loud when played.

Torres dos Clerigos Tower

View of Porto from the top of the Torres dos Clerigos Tower

There is a charge made to go up the tower. At the height of the summer tourist season there is often a queue. Go early if you do not want to waste your time standing in line. At busy times there are electronic stop and go signs to ease congestion. Because of safety issues only a certain amount of people are let up into the tower at one time. You normally get told the wait time when you buy your ticket.

Try to use the panoramic function on your mobile phone's camera. If it does not have that feature download a panoramic camera app before you go. It will be able to stich seamlessly together the 4 to 8 photographs you take of different aspects of the view over the roof tops to produce one photographic collage. There are great views of Porto's Cathedral and port wine warehouses on the south side of the river.

Torres dos Clerigos Tower view

Torres dos Clerigos Tower

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