The Gamle Bergen Museum in Norway
The Old Bergen Museum designers have tried to give visitors a sense of what Bergen looked like. They have replicated the densely built up character of the Norwegian streets built on steep slopes. Most buildings look totally different to the design of its neighbour.

The town square is part of the historical layout. In days gone by village and town squares had a practical use. Cattle and sheep were herded into them at night and the exit roads gated to keep them safe from thieves or wolves. Now they just look pretty.
Some visitors to Old Bergen Museum have been disappointed that out of the summer high season it is like walking around a ghost town where nearly everything is shut. We went in winter and loved the charming small town atmosphere. It was nice not to have to fight your way through hordes of other tourists.
In a normal village you would not be able to walk into people’s houses. The museum felt like you were walking around an unspoilt Norwegian costal settlement dating back 100 to 200 years ago.

If it is a damp or cold day some of the buildings have a real wood fire where you can warm your legs. A very pleasant and welcoming touch. On some days staff put on period costumes and play the part of villagers of the 18th and 19th century. You feel like you have just got out of a time machine.
Be aware that not all of the houses are open to the public. You are encouraged to look at the fixtures and furnishings through the window. When they have more staff on duty more of the houses are opened.
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