Eurasian Artic Lynx
The Eurasian Lynx at the Polar Zoo near Tromso have a large enclosure built around a hill. There are lots of places for them to hide as well as keep lookout. There are four species of Lynx, The American Bobcat, Canadian Lynx, Iberian Lynx and the Eurasian which is the heaviest out the four

The most identifying feature of the lynx are the tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears and its small tail. They are very good hunters, having sharp claws and teeth. The Eurasian Lynx ranges from the Norwegian Arctic circle to the forests of Siberia. They live on hunting small prey like rabbits, hares, squirrels, fish, foxes, lemmings. Occasionally they will tackle bigger prey like sheep, goats and deer. They are not pack animals like the wolf. They normally hunt on their own.
The gestation period for a lynx is about 70 days. Mating season is in late winter and they have a litter of between two to four kittens only once a year. They are looked after by the mother for about nine months. Lynx like to operate in mountain forests that provide cover. They use trees and high points to look for targets. They are good swimmers unlike other cats. There are some good Lynx populations in Northern Scandinavia and Russia. Lynx are also being reintroduced in other mountainous areas of Europe which is good news.

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